Centre for MACH - MultidisciplinAry ResearCh in Health Science


Aside from dedicating to high-profile international scientific projects, aiming at generating novel evidence and contributing to the scientific community, the MACH will be connected to the territory of the city of Milan and the Region Lombardy promoting health and healthy behaviors, and providing scientific support as needed. In this respect, the Institute aims at embarking on widespread awareness campaigns on key issues as recognised by the people of the Milan metropolitan area and beyond, through the application of its expertise in the fields of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology and Global Health to local health practice. The Institute is committed to promoting health, cooperating with high level National and International partners on environmental and broad human development themes aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Partnerships with IRCCS Policlinico, Government Organizations and Patient Associations have a key role in the development and Governance of the Institute. Civil society associations, being on the front line on a local and national level, have a pivotal role in connecting the MACH to the health-related needs of people, in particular the most vulnerable groups.



tel.: +39 02 50320350
email: mgh@unimi.it